Tips for Designing and Purchasing the Right Headstone

Headstones and grave markers act as a lasting memorial site for your loved ones. Some people commission their headstones long before they pass away, but for many individuals, this isn’t always possible due to financial reasons or a sudden and unfortunate passing.
Regardless of your situation, it can be difficult to think about picking out a headstone—especially if you’re grief-stricken. These tips for designing and purchasing the right headstone will help you approach your choice of monument with clarity and resolve, no matter who it’s for.
Consider Any Graveyard Regulations
If you already have a burial site picked out in a special graveyard—such as a cemetery with other family members—it’s important to check if the location has specific rules regarding monuments. They may regulate the shape, size, and material of your grave marker. Some cemeteries have stricter regulations than others, so be sure to follow all relevant rules.
Take Input from Other Family Members
While it’s important that someone remains in control of the final headstone decision, it’s also important for other family members to have a say in the grave marker if they wish. If you need inspiration for the gravestone, ask for ideas from close family members. There may be clashing ideas—traditional headstones against unique ideas, different types of epitaphs—but you or the person who is the decision-maker should have the final say on the matter.
What Style Headstone Do You Want?
Headstones come in all different shapes and sizes—you may feel overwhelmed just thinking about the kind that you want to permanently memorialize your loved one. When thinking about the type of headstone you’d like to design and purchase, consider some of the most popular headstone styles:
With any type of headstone, consider whether it will be for a singular individual or a pair. Companion headstones are wider to accommodate for two names and epitaphs. Don’t forget to consider the different materials and their colors when finalizing your headstone decision as well.
Think About Your Budget
You may want to give your loved one the most elaborate, largest headstone or monument available to properly memorialize the impact they had on your life and the world around them; however, that’s not always financially possible. There are many different expenses in the funeral and burial process besides the headstone—it’s crucial that you take all expenses into consideration when budgeting a headstone.
Monument creators may try to find different ways to overcharge you for simple additions to the gravestone. Attaching an item such as a ceramic photograph to the grave marker may cost you hundreds of dollars more than you were expecting, which is why you should purchase the photo separately and attach it yourself.
One of the greatest tips for designing and purchasing the right headstone is to find ways to cut costs during its creation without cutting quality. At Photos for Headstones, products like our oval picture frames for headstones include ceramic photos that are the exact same product you’d find at a monument designer’s workshop. Memorialize your loved one with a durable, weatherproof picture on their grave without paying a fortune for something you can do yourself.